Colors 1.0.7
Utilities for color manipulations. This is mostly code ported from the color module in SASS.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[com.evocomputing/colors "1.0.7"]
Color manipulation routines. This code was heavily infuenced by the color.rb module in the ruby SASS project, and the colorspace packages in R.
Public variables and functions:
- ->color
- adjust-alpha
- adjust-hue
- allowable-hsl-keys
- allowable-rgb-keys
- alpha
- awt-color
- blue
- check-hsl
- check-rgb
- check-rgba
- circle-float?
- clamp-hue
- clamp-percent-float
- clamp-rgb-int
- clamp-unit-float
- color-add
- color-div
- color-epsilon
- color-mult
- color-name
- color-sub
- color-tolerance
- color=
- create-color
- create-color-dispatch
- darken
- desaturate
- grayscale
- green
- hexstring-to-rgba-int
- hsl-to-rgb
- hue
- hue-to-rgb
- lighten
- lightness
- map->color
- maybe-convert-alpha
- mix
- mix-hsl
- named-colors-name-to-rgb
- named-colors-rgb-to-name
- near-one?
- near-zero-or-less?
- near-zero?
- opposite
- percent-float?
- red
- rgb-hexstr
- rgb-int
- rgb-int-from-components
- rgb-int-to-components
- rgb-int-to-unit-float
- rgb-int?
- rgb-to-hsl
- rgba-hexstr
- rgba-int
- rgba-int-from-components
- rgba-int-to-components
- saturate
- saturation
- unit-float-to-rgba-int
- unit-float?
- within-tolerance?